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Maple Tree open the first debate on medical cannabis in the Romanian Parliament

As part of its international consultancy service, Maple Tree regularly supports global governments to help them develop their own medical cannabis sectors and increase patient access.

In November 2022, Maple Tree was invited to speak at the opening of the first medical cannabis debate in the Romanian Parliament. Known as the "Victoria" proposal, a draft law with the support of 100 members of cross-party Romanian parliamentarians, the law aims to regulate the use of cannabis for medical purposes.

The Health Commission of Romania's Chamber of Deputies and the Victoria Mea Association arranged the debate to consider medicinal cannabis's benefits and Romanian patients' access.

Sharing UK experience to help other countries

Professor Barnes shared his expertise and insights on the benefits and challenges of developing a medical cannabis industry in Romania, and how clinicians can support patients who could benefit from the treatment.

Professor Mike Barnes commented,

“It was an honour to be asked to share my insights with Romania’s Parliament and open the debate. I hope that sharing our experiences in the UK - positive and negative- will assist the Romanian government in getting the law right for the benefit of so many."

Hannah Deacon shared her personal experience of attempting to gain access to treatment for her son, and how this changed the laws regarding medical cannabis in the United Kingdom.

Hannah Deacon commented,

“There are many parallels between my fight for medical cannabis treatment for my son Alfie and Alexandra Cârstea’s experience in accessing treatment for her mother.

Alexandra fought to help her mother access treatment during her battle with cancer, and continues to support other patients today in her fight for the legalisation of medical cannabis through the Victoria Mea Association.

It was very moving to share my story in Romania and I hope Alexandra and her supporters are able to change the law for patients.”

Support for international governments

Maple Tree regularly provides guidance and advice on various aspects of the medical cannabis industry to international governments and policymakers, considering patient access, clinician education, cultivation, production, distribution, regulation, and research.

Contact Maple Tree Consultants to learn more about our global work.



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